Tuesday, September 9


As of 6 days ago I have a new niece. I am an uncle for the fifth time. It feels a little different because my brother is the closest in age to me. Also, because I only have one brother and he just had his first, she is my first niece or nephew that bears the family name.

I like the name Eloise. It was a name that I thought about naming my own daughter someday, but I guess that won't happen. I'm not disappointed.

Also, I'm in no rush. I'm planning on grad school and that sort of plan seems to get trumped by little ones. My brother's pulling it off, I guess, but I am not he.

Thursday, September 4


I named my bike Penny. I admit naming your possessions is lame, but that hasn't stopped me with my computer, my phone, my previous phone, and I think that's about it.

I think I name things that seem to have personality. For example, Penny is flawed, but not unreliable. She doesn't like being locked up and she is most herself when she is at high speeds. She likes roads, but not the city. On the other hand, Nelly, my computer, is completely schizophrenic.

I think I'm going to write a story called "World of Pennies."

It won't have anything to do with my bike.